Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was always Kyle's favorite holiday. He enjoyed it more than Christmas or his birthday. He would spend hours writing out his valentines and decorating cookies for his favorite friends and nurses. He loved any and every chance to tell people how much he loved them.

This being his favorite holiday has made the day hard..... we went to the cemetery and decorated his grave site. It still seems so wrong to be decorating a grave site and not his room!!!

Kyle sent several signs today for us. My favorite was the playing of our song Praise You in This Storm. It came on the radio as we pulled into the driveway this evening. The other sign is a little too personal to share.

Rich surprised me with a special Valentine's gift- a personalized license plate Tubeman!!!!
Tubeman is the name of the superhero we created for Kyle. The world's first superhero with tubes and a central line. Rich could not have picked a better gift for me.

I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful and thoughtful husband.

Please stop and take time to tell those closest to you how much you love them. There is never a guarantee that you will get the chance tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. hola, te saludo desde MÉXICO y me ha encantado tu blog, se me hace interesante aunque no entienda bien el inglés, de paso te dejo una invitación a que te des una vuelta por misitio. gracias al ciber espacio por acortar distancias y cambiar arte y cultura.


    "La vida es un gran circo, pero sin espectadores"
