Sunday, February 1, 2009

Coincidence or Sign?

There are two schools of thoughts about this. I have found that most people that do not have faith or believe in God call things coincidences but those that have a strong faith believe such things are signs

At Kyle's funeral Mass, Father Joe told us that Kyle would send us Kyle Little Miracles aka Signs if we were open to them. Since, Kyle passed away we have been blessed to receive many of these signs. These usually come when I am really down or on special days.

We received a Kyle Little Miracle on Thursday. Kelsey was scheduled for an elluminate (live chat) with her teacher. Another student logged into the room at the same time. His name is Kyle Conrad. We laughed at that as he not only had Kyle's first name but his last name is the name of Kyle's service dog-Conrad.

After Kelsey's session, the teacher asked Kelsey if she knew Kyle. Kelsey explained that she did not. Her teacher explained that Kyle had a younger brother who has brain cancer so Kyle has missed a lot of school this year and is struggling. The teacher asked if Kelsey would be willing to talk with Kyle. Of course Kelsey agreed.

The teacher labeled a breakout room Kyle and Kelsey's room. When I saw that on her computer I couldn't help but cry. I have not seen their names together in so long.

Kelsey and Kyle spent over an hour chatting. I sometimes forget what a truly amazing daughter I have. I listened to her help this young man work through his feelings. She was so compassionate and helpful.

I wish her life was easier but then I see what having Kyle as a brother has taught her. I do not think she could have learned these lessons any other way.

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