Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."

Kyle and Conrad were reunited on Thursday afternoon. I am sure Kyle was there to great Conrad and the two were off. I wonder if Conrad knew what to think of Kyle with legs, no tubes and endless energy things Conrad never witnessed her on earth.

I am sure Conrad shook off his amazement when he realized he was running and jumping without pain which he had not done in a long time. I am glad the dymanic duo are back together but still a little jealous that Conrad is the first to be reunited with Kyle.

Conrad's death this week has made everything else that has happened this week to be covered in clouds. We moved through the week like we were in a fog. I am sure which was worse waiting for Conrad's demise or his actual passing. Both sucked but each came iwth its own suffering and mental baggage.

The house is quiet without Conrad and Cale, Kelsey's dog, seems lost. She keeps wandering the house looking for Conrad.

This week brings Kelsey's first school dance. I am not sure if Rich and I are ready for this. When did our baby girl become old enough to attend a dance. Rich and I are chaperoning the dance which Kelsey is none to pleased with but they did not have enough chaperone's and we figure it was a great way to meet some of the other parents. It never occurred to us that this would allow us to attend her first dance-lol!!!!

Today we went out a bought a skirt for the dance. The theme is Hawaiian and we found the perfect skirt but after a lot of drama and trips to the dressing room we did not find a shirt.

Enter wonderful Cousin Theresa. She is going to take Kelsey shopping on Wednesday for a shirt and shoes. She has even volunteered to come over Friday night and do Kelsey's hair. I truly appreciate that as I am barely able to make my hair presentable. I am sure Theresa will have Kelsey looking like the beautiful girl she is inside.

I will take pictures and post over the weekend. That is if I can get Kelsey to let me take pictures of her. She is going through a phase where she doesn't want her picture taken.

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