Thursday, August 27, 2009

Right on Time

God is never too late, nor too early, but just on time.
I have often wanted things when I wanted them. I complain/grumble that it didn't happen when I wanted it to happen. Slowly I am learning that God's time is always the RIGHT time.
We have added another addition to our house, a 7 yr old boy. He is a great kid but adding another child into the mix is difficult. It takes changes on the part of every member of the family. Surprisingly, the two yr old has had the most difficulties adjusting. Three weeks later and she has settled into the new routine and accepted that she can't always keep up with Kelsey and the 7 yr old.
God's timing in him coming into our house was trying to say the least as I was flying to Buffalo when he came to our house. Rich has jokingly said no more traveling as we always seem to grow our family when I am traveling. We had to trust that God's time was right as we haven't added anyone since last October.
Our basement was finished the week before he came to us. This has been a great blessing as we now have a kid friendly place for play. The wii has seen more use in the past three weeks than in the past several months. God's timing not ours!!!
School is back in session for all the kiddos and this is making our schedules a little crazy until we get a routine in place. I have faith that it will all come together as it is meant to be but in the mean time I am getting a few grey hairs.
Thanks for continuing on this journey with us.
Later in the week, I will share my experience at IFCC conference and Kyle's continued impact on the lives of others.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi there Donna, I am a foster mom too. I am also a nurse and have really wanted to do medical foster care...long story. Any way I have adopted 2 boys thru foster care and am currently fostering another 4 kids. I am looking forward to following you blogg! Keep up the good work :o) I know that adding new kids really is a challenge, but God has always proved His faithfulness! And as you said His timing is perfect! Thanks, Abigail
