Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Quiet Week

Intercessory prayer might be defined as loving our neighbor on our knees.
-- Charles Brent
Things are quiet here at the Noble house. I really like quiet. After all the heartbreaking week with Conrad last week, we are ready for some peace and quiet.
Tomorrow the littlest baby has his PT evaluation and begins his PT. This has been a long time coming since October when he came to live with us. I must say he has made huge strides the past several weeks with his gross motor skills. He is able to sit up for a few seconds on his own. He is also able to roll from his back to his stomach finally but he is unable to get his arm out from under him. I am so thankful for the progress he is making. I hope by getting into therapy we can speed up his progress.
Next week he has his GI appointment to see what is going on his multiple issues. I am hoping we can figure this out and make him more comfortable.
Things are coming together with his care which makes me happy. It has been a long road but well worth it.

Please keep my friend Dona and her husband Kevin in your prayers. They welcomed their third and final baby into the world yesterday. I can't wait to see her later tonight.
In the next post I will share the incredible thing the Childwatch at our Y did for our family. God is always truly at work in our lives every day.

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