Boy, I have discovered the past week why God's plan is the way it is for having children. In God's plan most people have their children in their 20's and 30's. The reason you have children then is because you have boundless energy and your body is in great shape.
I don't remember being tired when Kelsey and Kyle were baby. Even though I did not get lots of sleep it did not seem to bother me too much. Now that I am in my 40's, I can't say that anymore.
Rich and I never had 2 babies in diapers. Kelsey was 4 1/2 when Kyle was born so she was way past the diaper stage. Now we have 2 kiddos in diapers and we are getting old. The 8 month old is cutting 3-4 teeth at the same time which makes for a grumpy baby that is not sleeping. I am feeling the lack of sleep.
I am not complaining just aware that my body is aging without my permission. Most people call me the energizer bunny but these kiddos are showing me that my batteries are slowing down and need more recharging.
I choose to look at it that they are keeping me young.... without them I am sure I would be much slower and less active.
Lent begins this week. We are looking forward to Lent bringing us closer to God and strengthens our Faith walk.
Untitled Memories
9 years ago
Children really do keep us young but I know you're doing a great job!!