If one first gives himself to the Lord, all other giving is easy.
I found this quote and I love it. When I stop and live by this life is so much easier. I have struggling lately with a crazy schedule. I keep telling myself that I need to slow down and just relax and enjoy life. When I get really quiet and reflect on God's will, I see that giving my time to volunteer work is giving to God. Volunteering and being Foster Parents is GOD's will for us. What I need to do is better organize my schedule and use my down time to spend quality time with my family.
I find it so much easier to give of my time and talents than to give of my treasures. This is an area I am trying to work on. I know that every time I have given my time or talent GOD has provided for us and everything has gotten done. I need to turn over our finances and give more to help those in need.
Summer is in full swing here at the Noble's. Kelsey's report card came the other day and she earned all A's and one B+. She was disappointed that she did not receive straight A's. The best news was that Kelsey was accepted into Honors English. We are so proud of her. She is really coming into her own at Oakstone. Kelsey had her first two check out dives today and did GREAT. She has her last dive tomorrow then she is certified. I am so proud of her. She and her dad are two fish in the water.
The babies are doing well. The littlest dude is in therapy several hours a week. Progress is slow but it is coming. His smile and sunny personality light up the room. He loves to experience new things and shows no fear. His sister on the other hand is showing anxiety when separated from us. Her speech has really come along and she is putting together several words. When she is in comfortable surroundings she is happy and has the best laugh. We are truly blessed to help them along their life journey.
School is almost over for Rich. We are counting down the days until we leave for Oley and then on to Hawaii. We are looking forward to sharing these experiences with the babies.
We continue to miss Kyle each and everyday. We feel his presence when we are feeling really down. We count our blessings that we have so many memories and pictures to look upon when we are sad. We appreciate the people that continue to share Kyle stories with us or just let us know that they thought about him. His life was short but he left a lasting impression on many lives.